dIALOG ON consciousness, eros, and creativity
Steven Harrison and I love to explore the nature of reality with one another and so we’ve decided to record some of our conversations in an ongoing podcast tited Over the Edge: Eros and Creativity. You can attend these events live every Tuesday from 11:30am-12:30pm on the Next Culture Network platform, or watch them on YouTube or podcast apps after the fact.
Steven is a best-selling author of many books including Doing Nothing: Coming to the End of the Spiritual Search, and international speaker on the topics of consciousness, human development, relationship, and education. Steven and I have co-facilitated single evening and multi-day dialog events over the years in the United States, Switzerland, France, Holland, and Germany, focusing on the embodiment of perception and the coherent expression of group intelligence.
Steven is also the visionary behind the new “slow media” revolution known as the Next Culture Network; a growing hub for deep and wide online dialog and interaction with enriching, thoughtful media. You can learn more and join this collective exploration at https://community.nextculturenetwork.com/.
Day-long Dialog and Movement retreat in Berlin, 2016
2015 weekend retreat in Holland at De Ceuvel, an awesome playground for sustainable innovation and creativity
2015 weekend workshop at La Source Bleue, historic B&B/retreat center in southern France