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4th Annual Boulder No/Retreat: Creativation

  • Boulder Colorado United States (map)

Welcome to the 4th Somewhat-Annual Boulder No/Retreat!

You are welcome to join in this pop-up community gathering of deep meeting, beginning Wednesday, August 28th at 5pm and going through Sunday, September 1st at noon. You may participate in all or part of this time.

There is no retreating from our relatedness and this gathering is no retreat from the ordinary life we all live.

There is nothing required in our gathering other than the intention to make contact with each other and to explore conscious relationship and community in that encounter. This, we presume, is an act of deconstruction of our ideas of self/other, and at the same time a creative movement of discovery. There will be only a loose structure to hold our time together so that we can have meals, hikes in the mountains, movement exploration, and shared dialogs.

If you have never explored your disappointment, boredom, and reaction then this might be the time and place for you, but you may also be ambushed by the unexpected opening of connection, sensitivity, and insight. Whatever occurs there is no retreat, and perhaps when we look at our lives together we can see that there never has been.

This unique multi-day event came out of the questions: Can the intensity of natural interaction in a living community occur in a temporary setting? What happens when we see there is "no retreating" from life or one another? What can we create, together, from a co-recognition of a shared field of collective/unitive awareness, unbounded by spiritual habit or unnecessary structure? What retreat structure might we co-create from a fresh perspective and circumstance?

There is no formal retreat staff or organization supporting our time together aside from basic sleeping accommodations and meeting space (which are provided) - this is a mostly self-organizing retreat. For example, participants will organize how food is going to be purchased and prepared. The presumption is that we will be able to communicate and organize around our mutual needs during this period. That is part of the living question.

There is no formal charge for this (no)retreat leaving the dilemma of how to relate to money and labor with each participant.

There will be a minimal schedule consisting of daily dialogs and optional movement spaces as well as mountain hikes on relatively mellow trails for those who are interested. There will be ample time for organic interaction among the participants.

We will need to know if you are certain to attend, for space allocation. For more information and to RSVP please contact:

See you there. :)

*While this No/Retreat is an extension of Steven Harrison's work, it does not specifically reference that work, prior dialogs or writings, or any other reference point.

Earlier Event: July 3
Boulder GALA - Gathering Lab!
Later Event: September 28
Bring It!